
Google Voice Local Search Search for local businesses using your voice, from any phone, for free. Dial 1-800-GOOG-411 Using this service, you can: search for a local business by name or category.You can say “Giovanni’s Pizzeria” or just “pizza”. get connected to the business, free of charge. get the details by SMS if you are… Continue reading 1-800-GOOG-411

Free storage Billionaires

Me and some friends had a great conversation about what makes a billion dollar company and we noted some recent companies that were all Billion dollar companies and all they did was give away free space. First example is delicious it let people have a place to store there text link bookmarks. Then Flickr which… Continue reading Free storage Billionaires


hAccessibility By James Craig of WaSP Microformats are a great idea. They allow the embedding of parsable, semantic data (like contact information and event details) into regular pages. With the right plug-in, that information can be saved directly to your calendar program or address book. Like Microformats, a portion of web accessibility is about making… Continue reading hAccessibility

Women Geeks

Women Geeks is a new website me and some other girls have been working on around here to feature some of the internets most brightest and talented women in technology and science. We choose the name Women Geeks after about a entire night of searching for available domain names to buy. Then finding an affordable… Continue reading Women Geeks

Just a lil bit

Got many invites to alot of differnt parties this Spring but my favorite invite comes from my friends over seas to the 420 party every year in Amsterdam. Not to many moments in the world can compare to the one minute that happens in this great town and from what I hear all around the world… Continue reading Just a lil bit