Jessica Landy

And bringing up the rear literally with her big ass that all guys go crazy for is Jessica Landy she was rolled because she is one crazy bitch, if you ever seen this girl party on campus then you would be like no way she is a geek. It is amazing what contacts a little… Continue reading Jessica Landy

Kim Katrell

Kim Katrell has had her website up way before mine and a blog about her thoughts but she also deserves a little more attention then my site since she is a true geek to the bone with alot more interesting topics then my simple website, she even has a geek husband. Anyways congratulations to her… Continue reading Kim Katrell

Categorized as Blogs, News

Kary Lawson

Kary Lawson my dear friend has started her website up finally, you readers may have noticed I added her to my blogroll, besides being a great firend she is also into the same work stuff like web standards I am into and figured everyone would want to check out her site and see what she… Continue reading Kary Lawson

Blogger Buzz

Go Mobile A while back we mentioned that we’ve been working with Sony Ericsson to incorporate blogging into their new generation of cameraphones. Well, the k800 has started to hit the market and our friends in Sweden have a helpful graphic to explain how it all works. Check it out! Jason Goldman A great idea… Continue reading Blogger Buzz