Google Earth Beta for Mac

This van As writes “AppleInsider reports that Google is developing a Google Earth version for Mac OS X. From the screenshots it looks similar to the Windows version, which is out since June 2005. The OS X version uses OpenGL rendering.” From the article: “Earlier this month, a pre-release version of Google Earth for Mac… Continue reading Google Earth Beta for Mac

Categorized as Apple


VTD-XML 1.0 by jimmy Zhang – Fri, Dec 9th 2005 11:10 PDT About: VTD-XML is a “non-extractive” XML processing software API implementing Virtual Token Descriptor. Currently, it only supports built-in entity references (” &s; ' >

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Successful IT projects demand business unit buy-in

Successful IT projects demand business unit buy-in Tuesday December 06, 2005 (09:00 AM GMT) Topic: Project Management By: John Murray One reason for the high failure rate of IT business application projects is the failure of those on the business side to assume a degree of responsibility for the project. Once the euphoria associated with… Continue reading Successful IT projects demand business unit buy-in

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Zonk from Slashdot writes

Posted by Zonk on Friday December 09, @05:46PM from the please-don’t-burn-us-at-the-stake dept. schnikies79 writes “Sony BMG is rethinking its anti-piracy policy following weeks of criticism over the copy protection used on CDs. The head of Sony BMG’s global digital business, Thomas Hesse, told the BBC that the company was ‘re-evaluating’ its current methods. This follows… Continue reading Zonk from Slashdot writes

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