Step 5 Plant some seeds

You have probably heard of plant a tree day well the same thing here start planting seeds of goodness and watch them grow. This step requires you to bring to life an idea of how to make something better for the world. I planted a tree last year and started a small business around helping… Continue reading Step 5 Plant some seeds

Step 4 The East and West

The North East of America uses 80 percent of the heating oil supply in America during the winter, this is where we need to target better more efficent heating systems that do not rely on oil what so ever. And in the west, the far west that is, we need to buy out China”s coal mining industry. The… Continue reading Step 4 The East and West

Step 3 Get active

There are so many ways to get active in your life, make your voice heard and start talking, let your representives know how you feel about issues that are dear to you, never write a letter always call or stop by. Start getting active in your communnity volunteer to help clean up your city or town… Continue reading Step 3 Get active

Step 2 Shop and recycle

I know all the women out there are going to love this one, most of us have appliances in our home that could be replaced with better more energy efficent aplliances.Everything from the Dishwasher to the Laundry Machine to Hot Water Heaters and Air Conditioners. Go out and splurge gals and make sure it has the… Continue reading Step 2 Shop and recycle

Step 1 Go Solar and then outside

We need our Governments and Corperations to invest in solar technology, everyday that we do not collect or store energy from the Sun we are losing money and wasting current energy resources.Google has even gone solar but I remeber awhile ago watching a show on PBS in which Alan Alda “yea that Doctor from M.A.S.H. ” in which he… Continue reading Step 1 Go Solar and then outside