A lot of bloggers are now making money from there blogs by selling ads on the sidebars or in the posts of there blogs which I am cool with if you want to do it right in a SEO friendly way. But there have been several businesses over the years that have done this in a non friendly SEO way and that has put a bad name on the blog advertising industry but there are still plenty of great places on the web that do it in a way that search engines like or should I say do not mind you doing, also what is known as white hat techniques. And then there are ways known as black hat techniques that are bad and if you do them your website will be removed from the search engines once it is found out.
As you can see I have written over 160 posts here on my blog and have done so with no advertising money and wrote everything here on my blog basically as a place to store my thoughts and favorite websites on the internet! But lately having time to get online and do anything other than read email or read the news has been hard to do since I have so much going on in life at the moment and until the end of the year!
Great idea friend please share more of your experiences with us for our enjoyment Thanks